Get in touch with the Student Ombudsman

You can contact the studentombud via email or by phone.


Phone: 070 456 66 13

Get in touch with your student union

You can always contact your student union if you encounter an issue related to your studies. The student unions are well-connected with responsible people at the departments and faculties. The student unions and the Student Ombudsman work in close collaboration, and the Student Ombudsman is always available to support the unions when handling student issues.

Corpus Medicum: Corpus Medicum is the union for all students at the medical faculty.

  • Medicinska Föreningen (MF) – the section for Audiologist students, Biomedicine students, Speech Therapist students, Medical students, Physiotherapy students, students at the Master of Public Health.

  • Vårdvetenskapliga Studentföreningen (VÅVS) – the section for Occupational Therapists, Nurses, X-ray Nurses and specialist training.

The Student Union for Humanities and Theology: The Student Union for Humanities and Theology, also known by its Swedish abbreviation HTS, is concerned with the educations at the joint faculties for humanities and theology. This includes all linguistic educations as well as for example history.

Juridiska föreningen: Juridiska Föreningen is the student union for all students at the faculty of law.

LundaEkonomerna: LundaEkonomerna is the union for students at the School of Economics and Management.

The Science Student Union: The Science Student Unions LUNA is the union for all students at the Faculty of Science. You can be a member of this union if you study Astronomy, Biology, Physics, Geology, Chemistry, Math, Meteorology, Molecular biology, Natural geography, Radiation physics or Theoretical physics.

The Social Sciences Student Union: The Social Sciences Student Union is the student union for all students at the Faculty of Social Science in Lund or Helsingborg or at LUCSUS, Center for Middle Eastern Studies and Center for East- and Southeast Asian Studies. 

Studentkåren vid Konstnärliga fakulteten i Malmö: The Student Union at the Faculty of Arts, Lund University is an association of students at the Academy of Music, the Academy of Fine Arts and the Theater Academy. At each school, there is also a section for students at that particular school.

Teknologkåren: Teknologkåren is the student union for all students at the Faculty of Engineering (LTH), including its doctoral students.